Currently, the cost to our nation for care is at 226 billion (up 10 billion since 2013) with global spending at over 604 billion, and by 2030 over 76 million baby boomers will be at risk. Unfortunately, one of the only ways to receive more federal and National Institute of Health funding is for the disclosure percentage to increase. We know there are hundreds of thousands out there with forms of dementia, and they are not only missing a proper diagnosis, but we also have cause of death reports labeled as cardiac arrest for these patients, instead of organ failure caused by symptoms from Alzheimer’s Disease. Therefore, our nation’s top neurologists and Alzheimer’s experts have deduced and believe that this disease is actually the 3rd or 4th leading cause of death as opposed to 6th as reported. Without patient history, emergency room doctors have no way of pronouncing an accurate cause of death.

If you need assistance with your loved one or have questions, please call 1-800-272-3900.
Pictured: Dr. Randall Bateman, Distinguished Professor of Neurology at Washington University School of Medicine in charge of the DIAN project (Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Network), among other appointments. The DIAN project focuses on Familial Early Onset Alzheimer’s, where one’s passed down genetic code determines that they will, in fact, have Alzheimer’s with symptoms sometimes appearing in their 30s. Numerous people all over the globe have come to St. Louis specifically for the DIAN clinical trials run by Dr. Bateman, who just received a prestigious award at the Alzheimer’s National Convention for his service.
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